Robots are Becoming More Human Like

May 19, 2023 by

Robotics now plays a significant role in research, learning, and employment in the modern world. When robotics will advance enough to blur the difference between humans and machines is a question that has always fascinated people.

What defines actual artificial life—whether it be a robot or artificial intelligence (AI)—has been the subject of heated discussion for decades. Even while there isn't a definite answer for everyone, there are several ideas that are commonly regarded as being first steps toward building more human-like robots.

These requirements may be broken down into three categories: existential, emotional, and physical. The development of robots throughout time to resemble their human designers may be analyzed using these major areas as a framework.

Emotional Connection

The ability of a robot to mimic human emotions is possibly its most crucial component. Naturally, getting there is still extremely difficult, but artificially emotional robots are now much more feasible than they were in the past thanks to advances in AI and machine learning. While achieving mechanical motion and sentience can be challenging, having a basic emotional connection with others is possible with some code and a display.

The healthcare robot Stevie, created by researchers at Ireland's Trinity College, is a notable example of this. This robot was created to aid in the care of elderly residents in nursing homes by keeping an eye on their health, giving them assistance with daily tasks, and interacting with them.

The robot may not be self-aware or even have legs, but during testing, it was able to develop strong emotional bonds with seniors. Even a decade ago, Stevie would not have been able to recognize or respond to the emotional language spoken by people.

The kids' socialization robot Moxie is similar to Stevie. This small robot is made to be a child's friend and tutor in social skills and education. Similar to Stevie, Moxie employs an animated display to convey her feelings.

It can recognize and recall faces and names, which lets it create fictional relationships with kids. Robots like Moxie might be useful tools in a future where more and more students are taking classes online to make sure they develop the social skills they need to communicate with people.

Motions and Facial Expression

Enabling robots to have fully humanoid bodily shapes is essential to creating robots that are truly human in nature. Because the mechanical components causing the motion need to fit into a human-like form, fine motor skills are very challenging.

For example, a robotic hand needs precisely calibrated, incredibly tiny motors at each joint to mimic the action of muscles in biological systems. Replacing human emotions without a screen is even more difficult. However, engineers are overcoming both challenges.

Honda's ASIMO robot, one of the most sophisticated humanoid robots ever created, is the oldest humanoid robot in use today. Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility, or ASIMO, is capable of a remarkable range of physical activities, including walking, running, carrying objects, and jumping in the air. It answers to its own name and can comprehend human directions. Contrary to Sophia, a more recent humanoid robot, ASIMO is still clearly a robot.

Robots and Humans

Since they have long been a part of human society and culture, robots have come to represent the future of humanity. The immense complexity of human biology has been exposed via attempts to build robots that are really human in nature, pushing past the limits of scientific advancement.

Both modern robots and the technological advancements made by computers, motors, and artificial intelligence have advanced significantly since the 1950s with their simple robotic arms. It has become evident that until we can coexist with robots, when both people and machines will be able to work together to create a better world, humans won't stop inventing and developing.